
Dr. Pappas provides presentations that impact diverse populations including: professional, collegiate, and high school athletes and coaches; military personnel; teachers, administrators, and students at all levels including college and Greek organizations; parent and community groups; health service providers; youth and athletic organizations; business and corporate personnel; and achievers from all walks of life.

– Discovering Your Excellence Within

– Addressing Sexual Assault, Deviancy, and Abuse; Hazing and Out-of-Sport Aggression: Education, Intervention, and Prevention

– How to Effectively Manage Your Stress and Energy Leaks

(*Programs are tailored to meet the needs of the audience).


Discovering Your Excellence Within

Utilizing material from Dr. Pappas’ latest book Discovering Your Excellence Within: A Holistic Guide To Being Your Best and its accompanying workbook, this presentation addresses essential, yet often undeveloped, inner qualities that can be found in excellent-seekers from all walks of life. Using captivating methods for improving who you are and all that you do, this information and accompanying strategies have been “game-changing” for many achievers by taking their lives and pursuits to a higher level. People in today’s fast-paced society have the challenge of expanding their level of character and self-mastery into multiple areas of life and different aspects of the self. This is important because when various parts of the self are overlooked and neglected, this creates imbalances that cause stress, limit abilities, and potential to consistently be at your best and achieve peak performance. Fortunately, the strategies that are essential for enhancing excellence can be learned and developed, and these can have a greater impact on success than even intelligence and natural ability. Prioritizing goals such as striving to be and do your best each day will help you develop a powerful winning attitude that leads to greater personal growth and achievement. In short, this presentation promotes excellence by challenging and empowering both individuals and teams to give the world the best version of them self using a holistic approach that addresses multiple aspects of the self.

Addressing Sexual Assault, Deviancy, and Abuse; Hazing and Out-of-Sport Aggression: Education, Intervention, and Prevention

This presentation provides essential information on different types of sexually deviant and aggressive behavior that flourish within a variety of organizations, including athletic teams at all levels, the military, and male groups such as fraternities, while simultaneously promoting the goal of personal and team excellence. Although sexual deviancy, abuse, and assault negatively impact its victim(s), the offender(s), the entire staff, organization, and community, these problems have not been consistently addressed or effectively prevented in many male cultures. This has enabled an array of negative practices to silently thrive in a variety of athletic teams beginning in high school according to Dr. Pappas’ startling book, The Dark Side of Sports: Exposing the Sexual Culture of Collegiate and Professional Athletes. Factors such as masculinity issues, power and control displays, sports, military, and/or group socialization and training, peer pressure, media, and family influences often combine with substance abuse and even addiction to contribute to a host of negative behaviors that can be rampant. This presentation includes information on hazing and physical aggression targeting both women and men outside of the group or team, while examining underlying elements, consequences, and practical ways to prevent negative attitudes and harmful behaviors from gaining a stronghold. Using bystander intervention in combination with a holistic approach that addresses multiple aspects of the self and a variety of group dynamics impacting teams, this material provides unique cutting-edge strategies to address this long-standing problem.

How to Effectively Manage Your Stress and Energy Leaks

This presentation offers essential stress and energy management information along with practical ways to handle and reduce the adverse effects that stress has on both athletes in sports and achievers in all walks of life. Although stress is a daily fact of life that no one can completely escape from, every person can learn how to effectively lessen his or her individual stressors and difficulties. More importantly, it is not so much the kind of stress that someone encounters, but rather the way in which a person chooses to deal with his or her stress that matters most. Competitors, especially in sports and business, confront unique pressures and stressors relating to their highly competitive worlds in addition to their own distinct personal stressors. Being continuously bombarded with double-doses of stress can leave a person feeling overwhelmed, especially when stressors are not effectively processed or addressed. This presentation provides vital information with cutting-edge techniques for reducing stress and gaining more energy using a holistic framework that addresses multiple aspects of the self.

Interview Recordings

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Watch the Beginning of a Presentation Discussing “The Dark Side of Sports”

Read a Dr. Pappas Article on Out-of-Sport Athlete Aggression (#14 Most Read and #50 Most Cited Article in Men and Masculinities Journal as of March 1, 2016)

Parents Beware: Athlete Sexual Deviancy and Aggression Thrives in All Sports and Levels

Parents Beware: Coaches’ Sexual Deviancy, Abuse, and Aggression Thrives in All Sports and Levels

Coaches and Managers Beware: Athlete Sexual Deviancy and Aggression Thrives in All Sports and Levels

How Females Can Avoid Being Victimized by Sexual Predators in the Sports World

Exposing the Dark Side of Sports: Sexual Deviancy Thrives in All Sports and Levels